Planning For Long-Term Care: Costs and Insurance Options

Your future is important, plan ahead so you don’t get left behind

The majority of us will need long-term care at some point in our lives, as we find the stairs morphing into Mount Everest and opening pickle jars becoming a task Hercules would shy away from. However, long-term care doesn't come cheap, unless you've got a magical money-growing tree in your backyard. If you do, give us a call, we've got a few start-ups we want to fund!

In the United States, the average cost of a semi-private room in a nursing home is about $7,441 per month. That’s almost 7,441 items from the dollar menu! Assisted living facilities, on the other hand, average around $4,051 per month - think of it as a luxury cruise ship that never sets sail.

Medicare: Your Trusty Sidekick (With Limitations)

"Doesn't Medicare cover long-term care?" you might ask. Good question, attentive reader! While Medicare is a lifesaver when it comes to covering medical expenses, it’s not the knight in shining armor for long-term care. It might cover your short-term rehab after a hip replacement but don’t rely on it for continuous nursing home stays or long-haul home health care. It’s more of a cameo actor than a main cast member in the long-term care movie.

Insurance Options: The Cavalry to the Rescue

Fear not! Several insurance options ride gallantly into our saga, ready to shield you from the dragon of long-term care costs.

Long-Term Care Insurance: This policy is the Batman of insurance. It swoops in to cover costs for a nursing home, assisted living, or home health care. Just be sure to get it while you’re still relatively young and healthy, or you may face premiums higher than your favorite star’s net worth.

Life Insurance with a Long-Term Care Rider: Consider this option as the Swiss army knife of insurance. It provides a death benefit to your heirs and can also help cover long-term care costs.

Hybrid Insurance Policies: These policies mix life insurance or annuities with long-term care coverage. It's like getting a fruit salad when all you wanted was the pineapple. You get more than you bargained for, in a good way!

Medicaid: The Safety Net

If your journey has taken some unexpected twists and turns and you find yourself needing help, Medicaid might just be your safety net. This program can help cover long-term care costs if your income and assets are below a certain threshold. It's the hidden treasure at the end of the long-term care quest, but remember, it has specific eligibility requirements.

Long-Term Care Planning: Your Epic Saga

Planning for long-term care is not everyone’s idea of a blockbuster hit. But hey, neither was the movie about the social network, and look how that turned out! Consider it as an investment in your peace of mind. Consult with a financial advisor, run the numbers, and explore your insurance options.


Advance Care Planning: Why it Matters and How to Start


The Role of Medicaid in Long-Term Care